The infinitely adaptable electronic distributor from the makers of the original 123ignition.

123tune is the next evolution of the 123ignition solid-state electronic ignition distributor. 123tune provides the same self-contained elegance, European build quality, digital precision, clean emissions and formidable power potential as the original 123ignition, while adding USB interface technology to allow anyone with a laptop PC to customize advance curves and monitor engine operating parameters in real time.
123tune features:
- Two centrifugal advance curves (500 to 8000 rpm), switch-selectable while operating
- Two vacuum-advance or boost-retard curves (-30 inches Hg to +15 psi)
- Two MAP-start fields
- Two RPM limiters ( advanced random spark scavenging )
- Real-time tuning under keyboard-control
- RPM stopwatch
- Comprehensive import and export file format for advance curves (curves can easily be exchanged over the Internet)
- Electronic “dashboard” with :
- Temperature gauge (selectable in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit)
- Manifold pressure gauge (selectable in Bar or inches Hg / Psi)
- Revolution counter (0 to 8000 rpm crankshaft)
- Spark-energy gauge (primary coil current)
- Total advance gauge (in degrees crankshaft)
- 123tune dashboard software (download) runs on modern Microsoft Windows™ operating systems.
- Linux and OS X users may run 123tune under Windows™ using virtualization technology.
- We recommend VirtualBox, a free virtualization environment from Sun/Oracle.
123tune supports 4- and 6-cylinder Mercedes models, with models for many other European and English marques available by special order.